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School Fundraising Products & Tips

Renee Greiner, RDN, LD
Renee Greiner, RDN, LD | October 2, 2014


The school year is underway! Now, as summer winds down and the crisp air of fall draws in, thoughts of fall sports, campfires and annual school fundraising is upon us. 

With the Healthy Hunger-Free Kids Act and the new Smart Snacks in School nutrition standards, you are likely wondering how fundraisers are affected.

According to the USDA: States can set an appropriate number of exempt school-sponsored fundraisers. There are exceptions for fundraiser foods not intended for consumption in schools, and schools decide what can be sold at events outside of school hours. Fundraisers that sell non-food items or foods or beverages that meet the new nutrition standards are not limited under the standards. There are many healthy fundraising options available to schools, including selling books, fresh produce, school spirit merchandise or other non-food items.

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