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Rethinking School Kitchen Strategy: 5 Ways to Position Yourself to Win in 2022-23

Renee Greiner, RDN, LD
Renee Greiner, RDN, LD | August 12, 2022

As everyone begins preparing for students to go back to school this fall, there is renewed focus being placed on what this year might look like when it comes to meal programs. We recently met with several of our current school customers to brainstorm and discuss ideas to help all K-12 schools to be successful this coming year.

Below we have detailed five key ways schools can make small adjustments in their kitchen and yield big wins for the students and their 2022-2023 meal program!

1. Reinvent Uses for Products

  • Think beyond the normal use of products and get creative!
  • What could you do with expiring chips, for example? Would they make a good base for nachos or walking tacos or a good topping for a salad to add crunch?

2. Use Both Scratch & Premade Options

  • Maybe you make your own muffins.
  • On those prep days, plan to serve a premade lunch such as chicken nuggets.

3. Plan Ahead for Staff Schedules

  • Use the strengths of your staff to benefit your operation as well as staff well-being.
  • Does one of your staff members really enjoy baking, for instance? Why not have that person come in once a week to bake?

4. Assign Roles & Responsibilities

  • Use staff strengths to build stations of responsibility.
  • More responsibility options and clearer expectations can help increase employee ownership and job satisfaction.

5. Create a Winning Workplace Culture

  • Express gratitude towards each staff member, your team as a whole and your entire school/school district.
  • Involve students, teachers, administrators and parents in your efforts to support your program.

Watch for ongoing unique ideas to assist in these five key areas throughout the year!


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