The variety of available utensils and supplies for kitchens is vast and oftentimes ranges in size and shape to accommodate the needs of the operator.
Here are a few key items for any kitchen and their primary function to help make you more efficient.
And as a leading food service supplier in the Midwest, we can ensure you get the highest quality utensils and supplies, like the ones below, for your kitchen!
1. Spatulas
Spatulas usually have a long, narrow, flexible blade that is used to remove, mix and spread material such as batter or icing. The blade may be either flat or offset.
2. Turners
Turners have a wider, offset blade that has a specific flex point and is used for turning or serving food. They come in many sizes because distinctive food products (cakes, cookies, fish, hamburgers, pancakes, steak, etc.) have specific requirements for turning/serving. Blades are also available with perforations,
rounded or squared corners or beveled edges or may be balanced to keep the handles off hot grills.
3. Servers
Servers for pizza, pie and cake are size appropriate and flex in such a way as to maximize efficiency and presentation.
4. Spreaders
Spreaders are essential for fast food preparation. Plain edge blades are ideal for spreading condiments and other items. Scalloped blades provide the added ability to cut sanwiches, toast or bagels.
5. Scrapers
Griddle, pan and baker's scrapers serve various functions including cleaning grills and pans and cutting and spreading dough.