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5 Recipes to Go Nuts Over

Brittany Skellenger
Brittany Skellenger | October 22, 2014


Happy National Nut Day! Nuts are often viewed as a simple snack before the main course or an ingredient in a trail mix. However, nuts are actually very versatile and can be used in many different recipes to add a little flavor to your everyday meals. Here are a few ways you can celebrate National Nut Day with Martin Bros. recipes. 

*For recipe links click on photos

1) For a lighter meal with some sugared walnuts, try this salad featuring Ventura’s Balsamic Vinaigrette.




2) Use roasted, unsalted, rough chopped peanuts in this salad topped with Hidden Valley Sesame Oriental Dressing.



3) If you are in sandwich mode, toss some toasted and chopped walnuts in chicken salad made with Tyson diced chicken.



4) Toasted and roughly chopped peanuts can be added with some Hormel House of Tsang Peanut Sauce to create a great Thai pizza.



5) And to top it off with dessert, use Azar Bakers Select Walnut Pieces to sprinkle over a cannoli stuffed with Wells’ Blue Bunny Vanilla Quick Blend Ice Cream.



Happy Cooking! Go Nuts!


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